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The Re-Focused Battle

Updated: Feb 6, 2020

For so long I battled, battled and just battled like a man punching the air, fighting an invisible enemy. I would wake up ready to bring the pain to my faceless, formless, adversary. I spent so much energy just trying to stay in the game. The game of trying to measure up to everyone else. Who was I measuring up to? My mum, my dad, my friends, my religion, my culture, my colour, the images that society had hoisted onto my subconscious mind, my fears, my insecurities…. What or who the hell was I fighting against?

The truth is I don’t know but it sure was tiring. I would wake up and go to bed so tired/weary only to boost myself to get up and fight again.

Then I had a vision that scared me the most, I had lumped all of my enemies into one boxing ring and they had morphed into one impending mound of despair and this one had a name…” other people´s expectations”.

That’s it, my enemy was other people´s expectations, can you believe it? I had been fighting this foe for all my life with no hope in sight of anything resembling a victory.

Today I heard a line that set me free… “You have to have your image and visions for where you are going so clear that others just cannot derail you with their good or bad will”

There is the work that needs to be done, then work on the WHO not the WHAT or HOW.

Copyright Edjy 2020

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