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40% increase in requests outdoor team building workshops
Open Air Leadership

This year I have noticed a 40% increase in requests to take the creative process outside of the meeting room and into nature itself. I for one have never understood how one can foster a truly creative environment whilst sat in a student/teacher style set up. Breathe mother nature's air, listen to mothers nature's sounds and then challenge yourselves to find solutions to some of those critical issues that you may be facing on a day to day basis

Communication is Key

This is my 10th year working on the Executive MBA Corporate Communications program, this May I was in Madrid with co-coaches 

Changing the world

Imagine helping 21 scientists with projects that can save lives, cure diseases and treat illnesses.Today was one of those rewarding days where I was privileged to run a workshop on pitching for investment at the Caixaimpulse Immersion Week. This project is run by La Caixa aimed at brilliant scientists who are passionate about projects in digitalhealth therapeutics, and Medtech. I was left totally inspired by the worked being done in these fields. Good Luck with your game changing ideas guys. 

Survey: The Hidden Needs of C-Level Leaders
Keep The Bounce Hidden Secrets

In a joint venture with Florian Mueck (International Speaker ) and Conor Neil (President of Vistage Spain). We are investigating the true pain points of C-level leaders. We aim to put together our collective experiences and skills to publish a report that addresses these issues and provide workable solutions for all C-level leaders across industries.

Contact me for more info  

4th Annual Conference for
Coaches, facilitators
and trainers
Villa Gallarati Scotti

5th -7th July 2019 was a weekend to remember. My first time attending the "Conferencia de Formadores". A meeting of 70 coaches from around the world to get together in Milan to share best practices, ideas and new angles of thought on how to develop leaders and teams of tomorrow in an ever-changing landscape. The hosts were the Chateauform collection of stunning properties dedicated to learning and growing. This one was La Villa Gallarti Scotti

Asking for help
asking for help.png

5 years ago, I would never have written anything like this post, as asking for help meant that I was admitting I actually needed help. This in turn meant that I was weak, which in turn meant that I was vulnerable... STOP!!!! The question that changed all this is “and so what?”

Once I started to think more about the "so what" part, I realised that nestled inside my feelings of weakness was a strength to admit them and a resolve to do something about it.

As leaders our roles are not simply to lead, that is the easy part, the hard and necessary work that often goes unseen is in the ability to listen when all of our instincts tell us to speak or to be still when our natural reaction is to re-act or to ask for help when we need it. There is strength in empathetic vulnerable leadership.

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